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Version: v1.7.0

Logging in Azure Functions (isolated)

The Arcus.WebApi.Logging.AzureFunctions package provides a way to log several kinds of information during the receival and handling of HTTP requests.

To send the logging information to Application Insights, see this user guide.

⚠ The functionality explained here is only available for Azure Functions that are isolated. It is not available for Azure Functions that are running in-process. For more information on the difference, see Microsoft's documentation.


These features require to install our NuGet package

PM > Install-Package Arcus.WebApi.Logging.AzureFunctions

Logging unhandled exceptions

The AzureFunctionsExceptionHandlingMiddleware class can be added to the Azure Functions worker pipeline to log unhandled exceptions that are thrown during request processing. The unhandled exceptions are caught by this middleware component and are logged through the ILogger implementations that are configured inside the project.

⚡ The HTTP status code 500 is used by default as response code when an unhandled exception is caught.


To use this middleware, add the following line:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
IHost host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults(builder =>



When custom exception handling is required, you can inherit from the AzureFunctionsExceptionHandlingMiddleware to create your own middleware component and register it with Arcus' extension.

This example implements the exception handling middleware to influence the log message and adds a custom determination of the HTTP response status code.

using Arcus.WebApi.Logging.AzureFunctions;
using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

public class MyExceptionHandlingMiddleware : AzureFunctionsExceptionHandlingMiddleware
protected override void LogException(ILogger logger, Exception exception)
logger.LogCritical(exception, "Custom exception handling!");

protected override HttpResponseData CreateFailureResponse(Exception exception, HttpStatusCode defaultFailureStatusCode, HttpRequestData request)
if (exception is ValidationException)
return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
else if (exception is TimeoutException)
return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.ServerTimeout);
return request.CreateResponse(defaultFailureStatusCode);

Next, make sure that you pass along the exception middleware to the exception handling extension.

.ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults(builder =>

Logging incoming requests

The AzureFunctionsRequestTrackingMiddleware class can be added to the Azure Functions worker pipeline to log any incoming HTTP requests. The requests are tracked with Arcus Observability so that they will show up as requests in Application Insights when the application is using Arcus Application Insights Serilog sink.

⚠ The HTTP request and response body are not tracked by default.

⚡ The HTTP request headers are logged by default, except certain security headers are by default omitted: Authentication, X-Api-Key and X-ARR-ClientCert.

Tracking a HTTP request will look like this in the logs: HTTP Request POST http://localhost:5000/weatherforecast completed with 200 in 00:00:00.0191554 at 03/23/2020 10:12:55 +00:00 - (Context: [Content-Type, application/json], [Body, {"today":"cloudy"}])


To use this middleware component, add the following line to your startup code:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
IHost host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults(builder =>



The middleware component can be configured to influence the behavior of the HTTP request tracking. This ranges from including HTTP request/response bodies, specifying which routes should be tracked, filtering HTTP request headers, and more. To learn more about these options, see the configuration section at the general Web API page as these options are identical for Azure Functions HTTP triggers and Web API's.


Optionally, the middleware component can be extended even further by inheriting from the AzureFunctionsRequestTrackingMiddleware class. This allows full control over the sanitization process of the HTTP request/response body and HTTP request headers.

The following example shows how a custom implementation makes sure that a specific header is not entirely excluded but is redacted from the HTTP request tracking.

public class RedactedRequestTrackingMiddleware : AzureFunctionsRequestTrackingMiddleware
public RedactedRequestTrackingMiddleware(RequestTrackingOptions options) : base(options)

protected override IDictionary<string, StringValues> SanitizeRequestHeaders(IDictionary<string, StringValues> requestHeaders)
var headerName = "X-Private-Client-Id";
if (requestHeaders.TryGetValue(headerName, out StringValues value))
requestHeaders[headerName] = "<redacted>";

💡 Note that the custom middleware also has a constructor overload to pass-in additional options that allow you to customize the sanitization process in your custom middleware component.

This custom middleware component can be registered with an .UseRequestTracking<>() extension overload, which allows you to configure any additional options, if required.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
IHost host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults(builder =>
