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Version: v2.0.0

Authentication with certificate

The Arcus.WebApi.Security package provides a mechanism that uses the client certificate of the request to grant access to a web application.

This authentication process consists of following parts:

  1. Find the client certificate configured on the HTTP request
  2. Determine which properties of the received client certificate are used for authentication
  3. The property value(s) of the client certificate matches the value(s) determined via configured secret provider, configuration or custom implementation


This feature requires to install our NuGet package

PM > Install-Package Arcus.WebApi.Security

Globally enforce certificate authentication


The CertificateAuthenticationFilter can be added to the request filters in an ASP.NET Core application. This filter will then add authentication to all endpoints via one or many certificate properties configurable on the filter itself.


The authentication requires a service dependency to be registered with the services container of the ASP.NET request pipeline, which can be one of the following:

  • Arcus secret store: see our official documentation for more information about setting this up.
  • Configuration: key/value pairs in the configuration of the ASP.NET application.
  • IX509ValidationLocation/X509ValidationLocation: custom or built-in implementation that retrieves the expected certificate values.

Each certificate property that should be validated can use a different service dependency. This mapping of what service which property uses, is defined in an CertificateAuthenticationValidator instance.

Once this is done, the CertificateAuthenticationFilter can be added to the filters that will be applied to all actions:

using Arcus.Security.Core.Caching.Configuration;
using Arcus.WebApi.Security.Authentication.Certificates;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;

WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();

builder.Services.AddSecretStore(stores =>
stores.AddAzureKeyVaultWithManagedIdentity("", CacheConfiguration.Default));

builder.Services.AddControllers(mvcOptions =>
// Additional consumer-configurable options to change the behavior of the authentication filter.
auth =>
auth.WithIssuer(X509ValidationLocation.SecretProvider, "key-to-certificate-issuer-name");
configureOptions: options =>
// Adds certificate authentication to the request pipeline with emitting security events during the authorization of the request.
// (default: `false`)
options.EmitSecurityEvents = true;

Enforce certificate authentication per controller or operation


The CertificateAuthenticationAttribute can be added on both controller- and operation level in an ASP.NET Core application. This certificate authentication will then be applied to the endpoint(s) that are decorated with the CertificateAuthenticationAttribute.


The authentication requires a service dependency to be registered with the services container of the ASP.NET request pipeline, which can be one of the following:

  • Arcus secret store: see our official documentation for more information about setting this up.
  • Configuration: key/value pairs in the configuration of the ASP.NET application.
  • IX509ValidationLocation/X509ValidationLocation: custom or built-in implementation that retrieves the expected certificate values
using Arcus.Security.Core.Caching.Configuration;
using Arcus.WebApi.Security.Authentication.Certificates;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;

WebApplicationBuilder builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();

// See for more information.
builder.Services.AddSecretStore(stores =>
stores.AddAzureKeyVaultWithManagedIdentity("", CacheConfiguration.Default));

builder.Services.AddCertificateAuthenticationValidation(auth =>
auth.WithIssuer(X509ValidationLocation.SecretProvider, "key-to-certificate-issuer-name");

After that, the CertificateAuthenticationAttribute attribute can be applied on the controllers, or if more fine-grained control is needed, on the operations that requires authentication:

using Arcus.WebApi.Security.Authentication.Certificates;

public class MyApiController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult AuthorizedGet()
return Ok();


Some additional configuration options are available on the attribute.

// Adds certificate authentication to the request pipeline with emitting of security events during the authentication of the request.
// (default: `false`)
[CertificateAuthentication(EmitSecurityEvents = true)]

Bypassing authentication

The package supports a way to bypass the certificate authentication for certain endpoints. This works with adding one of these attributes to the respectively endpoint:

  • BypassCertificateAuthentication
  • AllowAnonymous

Works on both method and controller level, using either the certificate filter or attribute.

using Arcus.WebApi.Security.Authentication.Certificates;

public class SystemController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult GetHealth()
return Ok();